About me(en)
Juan Bernabé Moreno is a pure online professional (e-Commerce, online marketing&sales and all that stuff).
He enjoys applying artificial intelligence techniques to improve the user engagement with web sites
In his spare time, he is finalising his Ph.D. in semantic web technologies and recommendation systems
Beside all that, he gets often back to coding to clear his mind :)
Über mich(de)
Juan Bernabé Moreno ist ein echter onliner (e-Commerce, online marketing&sales ist sein Leben)
Er hat immer Spaß, künstliche Intelligenz Techniken einzusetzen, um den Benutzer durch die Websiten besser zu binden
In seiner freien Zeiten, schreibt er seine Doktorarbeit in Semantisches Web Technologien und Empfehlungssysteme und spielt mit neuen NLP-Ansätzen
Ausserdem programmiert er ab und zu um den Kopf frei zu bekommen :)
Articles / Papers / Publications
- Research Project: Semantic Web meets Competitive Intelligence
- Service composition-based pervasive architectures, an overview
- Classification: three models face to face
- Semantic Web Services, State of the Art
- Mr. Referee, it was goal! (Goal detection using SVMs)
- One Dependency Augmented Naive Bayes (article review)
- Information retrieval meets semantic web
- Markov Logic (article review)
- Privacy concerns around recomendation systems
- Biomedicine meets semantic web
- Logica Difusa aplicada a la web semantica (Spanish)
- Web Mining y personalizacion en tiempo real (Spanish)
- Mapeo de Ontologias orientado a la eficiencia (Spanish)